The beamsplitter cube functions optimally when the input light is randomly polarized (natural light). If the input light is linearly polarized, the output T/R ratio will not be 50/50. A narrowband beamsplitter cube is designed to split light based on a specific wavelength or a narrow range of wavelengths. It selectively reflects or transmits light at one wavelength while allowing other wavelengths to pass through unaffected. In contrast, a polarizing cube beamsplitter splits light based on its polarization state. It reflects s-polarized light (with the electric field perpendicular to the plane of incidence) and transmits p-polarized light (with the electric field parallel to the plane of incidence).
Applications: Commonly used in laser systems, spectroscopy, or any application where precise wavelength filtering and splitting are necessary.
Narrowband Beamsplitter Cube
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